
Introduction to products

Date:2011/1/19 21:58:44  0

PRODUCT NAME SLH8701 Potable Water Tank Paint

BRIEF Two Pack Amine Cured Non-toxic Epoxy Primer/Topcoat


-Excellent adhesion on prepared substrate, good adhesion to next coat
-Good resistance to abrasion and impact
-Can be exposed to atmosphere and immersed in water
-Excellent chemical resistance 

HEAT RESISTANCE  Up to 120℃ dry heat
WEATHERABILITY   Some chalking and yellowing will occur with exterior exposure, however  this will not detract from the resistance properties of the coating
SOLVENTS          Resists splash and spillage of most hydrocarbon solvents,  refined petroleum products and most common alcohols
ACIDS              Suitable for splash and spillage to mild acids
ALKALIS            Suitable for splash and spillage to strong alkalis
SALTS              Excellent resistance to neutral and alkali salts
WATER             Excellent resistance to immersion in fresh and salt water
ABRASION         Good when fully cured.

USES: Used in drinking water tank

 COLOR                        Brown Red (Primer),  white, or bulletin colour  (Topcoat)
 DENSITY                       1.4g/cm3              1.35g/cm3
 SOLIDS BY VOLUME            41%             40%
 SPREADING RATE               5.8 m2/kg        6.1 m2/kg         (40um DFT)
 DRYING TIME(23℃)             Touch  ≤3 Hr    Handle ≤24 Hr    Full cure 7Days
 OVERCOAT INTERVAL(23℃)      Min 8 Hr   Max 7 Days 
 STORAGE                       at least 12 months (dry, cool and under cover )
 FLASH POINT                    26℃
 PACKAGING                     Part A: 22kg   Part B: 2.2kg
 MIXING RATIO (m/m)             Part A : Part B=10:1
 CURE TIME(23℃)                10min
 POT LIFE(23℃)                  4 Hr

DIRECTIONS   Stir contents of each can thoroughly with a broad flat stirrer using a  stirring, lifting action or use a power mixer. Rate of cure will vary  depending on temperature and other factors such as ventilation, film  thickness, humidity, thinner. The temperature of stir will >15℃,  otherwise thinner should be added for needed viscosity after stir.  Overmuch thinner will lead sag and slow cure rate, thin film. Practical  spreading rates may be reduced 5—80% for wastage of different  application conditions. 
APPLICATION  STEEL: Round off all rough welds, sharp edges and remove weld spatter. Remove grease, oil and other contaminants. Steel surface must be prepared by abrasive blast cleaning to ISO Standard Class Sa2.5 or power tool cleaning Class St3.
Don’t apply at air temperature below 5℃ or above 40℃. Don’t apply at relative humidity above 85% or when air temperature is less than 3℃ above the dew point. 
Don’t apply if there is fog, rain, snow or strong wind. 
BRUSH/ROLLER: Suitable for small areas only. Apply even coats of the mixed material to the prepared surface. Thin if necessary with up to 0-15% with Epoxy Thinner X-2. Additional coats may be required to attain specified thickness. 
CONVENTIONAL SPRAY: Thinning is not normally required, however 0-15% of Epoxy Thinner X-2 can be added.
AIRLESS SPRAY: Thinning is not normally required, however 0-15% of Epoxy Thinner X-2 can be added. Pump ratio is 23:1 or 32:1 and fluid tip is 0.38-0.43 mm.
Overcoating: Aged coating should be tested for lifting by a method such as ‘X’cut or crosshatch methods. If it lifts, remove it. The surface must be free of oil, grease and other contaminants.
CLEAN UP: with Epoxy Thinner X-2

SAFETY:  Pay attention to the safety precautions before and after using this product. Users
should comply with the provision of the respective country or local government. It’s
dangerous or deadly to eating it. To avoid inhalation of thinner steams and spray mists.
Use protective wears correctly; the skin and eyes should avoid contacting it. Use with good ventilation. This product is flammable. All sources of ignition must be eliminated in, or near the working area. DO NOT SMOKE. Fight fire with foam, CO2 or dry chemical powder. On burning will emit toxic fumes.

Notes: The data in the manual is get from standard experiments and may be vary from different conditions in use. Please refer to the latest manual if the data is altered and we would not inform specially.


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