Copyright © 2003-2014, All Rights Reserved 备案号:鲁ICP备17000082号-1
Address:Dongying City, Shandong Province, Hong Xia Road 7 underground
Machinery and equipment
Main applications for land, sea ports, mines and other more extreme climate regions operating machinery, transport facilities, textile machinery, steel structures and equipment protection and painting.
SLH87-1 anti-corrosion epoxy iron red epoxy paint SLH87-2 anti-corrosion paint
SLH100 heavy duty solvent-free epoxy primer epoxy zinc-rich paint SLH06
SLH53 epoxy micaceous iron intermediate (closed) Epoxy Mastic primer SLHT515 heavy duty coatings
SLH99 epoxy zinc phosphate primer SLX53 High Chlorinated Polyethylene (HCPE) rust
SLJ04 chlorinated rubber paint SLJ44-1 chloride rubber iron red primer
SLE06 inorganic zinc-rich primer SLWF53 Fluorocarbon Heavy Anticorrosion Coating
SLBS04 acrylic polyurethane coating
SLH87-1 anti-corrosion epoxy iron red epoxy paint SLH87-2 anti-corrosion paint
SLH100 heavy duty solvent-free epoxy primer epoxy zinc-rich paint SLH06
SLH53 epoxy micaceous iron intermediate (closed) Epoxy Mastic primer SLHT515 heavy duty coatings
SLH99 epoxy zinc phosphate primer SLX53 High Chlorinated Polyethylene (HCPE) rust
SLJ04 chlorinated rubber paint SLJ44-1 chloride rubber iron red primer
SLE06 inorganic zinc-rich primer SLWF53 Fluorocarbon Heavy Anticorrosion Coating
SLBS04 acrylic polyurethane coating